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Resize boot volume of a Linux EC2 instance.


For this example, suppose that you have resized the boot volume of an instance, such as a T2 micro instance, from 10 GB to 20 GB. Step1- Login to aws console and go to EC2 services. 

 Step 2- In the EC2 console select volumes.
Step 3- Then select the volume you want to resize and click on action > Modify Volume. 

Step 4- Then in Modify volume tab change size from 10 G to 20 G (as per your requirement). 

Step 5 – Click on modify. Step 

6- Click on yes for confirmation. 

Step 7- To extend the file system of EBS volume on Linux. Connect to the instance. 

Step 8 - To verify the file system in use for each volume, use the df -hT command. In the output, you can see the root volume of the instance is 10 G. 

Step 9 -To check whether the volume has a partition that must be extended, use the lsblk command to display information about the block devices attached to your instance. 

Step 10 - Output shows, the root volume, /dev/xvda, has a partition, /dev/xvda1. While the size of the volume is 20 GB, the size of the partition is still 10 GB and must be extended. 

 Step 11- Use the growpart command to extend the partition. Notice that there is a space between the device name and the partition number. 

sudo growpart /dev/xvda 1

Step 12- To verify that the partitions reflect the increased volume size, use the lsblk command again. 

Step 13- To verify the size of the file system for each volume, use the df -h command. In this example output, file systems reflect the original volume size, 10 GB. 

Step 14- To extend the file system on volume, use the xfs_growfs command. Here / is the volume mount points shown in the output for df -h. 

sudo xfs_growfs -d / 

Step 15- In case instead of xfs we are using ext4 volumes we can use resize2fs command. sudo resize2fs /dev/xvda1 

Step16- To verify that file system reflects the increased volume size, use the df -h command again.

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