1:-just restart your system 2:-press up down arrow 3:-press e 4:-go to end of linux16 line 5:-jst give space and type rd.break enabled 0 and remove that both words ( console=tty console=ttys0) 6:-ctrl+x # mount -oremount,rw /sysroot #chroot /sysroot #passwd root type new passwd:-redhat1234 retype same passwd:-redhat1234 #touch /.autorelabel #exit #exit
Reset / Break Rehat or Centos root Password

About Abhisek Mishra
This is Abhisek, a certified Linux administrator,CCNA ,Azure and AWS Professional and a tech enthusiast who loves keeping in touch with emerging trends in technology. When I'm not working on the terminal, I'm watching a nice movie or reading books .
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